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March 2022 Edition

Article Dedication: Ethiopian Philosopher, Zera Yacob

“ … I said to myself: “Why does God permit liars to mislead his people?” God has indeed given reason to all and everyone so that they may know truth and falsehood, and the power to choose between the two as they will. Hence if it is truth we want, let us seek it with our reason which God has given us so that with it we may see that which is needed for us from among all the necessities of nature. We cannot, however, reach truth through the doctrine of men, for all men are liars.

God sustains the world by his order which he himself has established and which man cannot destroy, because the order of God is stronger than the order of men …. “

- Zera Yacob, Ethiopia1599 – 1692


One of the prolific impacts on human development is the use of what is called “information” to seek meaning in almost every aspect of modern society. This includes the utilization of processes, tools and materials to collect, store, retrieve, protect and distribute various types of information. Information development, management and processing are local and global practices interwoven into natural and human creations within almost every facet of modern and ancient civilization.

Among humans, information is consciously and subconsciously determined via patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response. This development is often created by some form of cognition to make sense about some aspect of the world.

This understanding is not new since many ancient civilizations in Africa, and various parts of Asia, India and South America had (and still do have) complicated communication systems in place for thousands of years ( mathematical and scientific books, flying devices, various element of nature, musical instruments, mathematical computation devices, binary communications, spiritual divination systems etc). These civilizations have always had a mathematical, scientific and divine understanding of the importance of information and how it affects not only humans but many other aspects of our existence.

Definition and Various Forms of Information (Organic and Synthetic Systems)

Since the concept of “information” has such a profound effect on our existence, it is important to briefly examine proposed definitions, theories and various forms of information. The answer may vary based on the situation and whether or not we are reviewing an organic or human made system. It also may be difficult to answer in a short article since research papers and books have been written on the subject.

In an attempt to summarize, one can present various high level examples of various definitions and meanings of "information”. For example, information has often been defined as " … factual data or knowledge acquired through experience, study, communication, research, instruction, etc …. ". It has also been associated with other terms such as "intelligence" (i.e. business "intelligence" systems, or Central Intelligence Agency). Another definition includes " ... a signal, symbol or character representing data converted into a message or a specific/significant meaning ... ". Others, such as some researchers in data science defined it as “ … data processed, organized and structured in a manner that allows one to obtain knowledge, meaning , or some form of wisdom or understanding...”.

Another interesting aspect of observing the "meaning" of information is how it is created and transformed in massive digital communication systems. Hence, systems such as phone networks, computers, the internet and satellites systems, often consist of many different software and hardware sub components, but all have a common concept of “messaging” as follows:

  • Element 1 (Transmitter/Sender): The transmitter (human or non-human) creates a "message" to be sent to receiver. The information which contain the message is decomposed into raw data (symbols, letters numbers etc).

  • Element 2 (Communication Channel): The data is transmitted over a channel. During this transmission, "noise" can affect the quality of the transmission.

  • Element 3 (Receiver) The receiver "decipher" the data back into the original information by re-arranging or re-developing the raw symbols received. This information is then digested by the receiver to "realize" the message to contribute to the receivers knowledge or wisdom about what was received.

This concept of communication involving the multi-stage transmutation of data and information is often associated with what is commonly known as the "theory of information". A cornerstone of this theory is ” … reproducing at one point, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at another point … “. Conceptually, it is associated with quantifying the amount of information in a message that has been transported across a noisy communication channel between a sender and receiver. Mathematically it is considered a logarithmic measure of the rate of transfer of information in a particular message or language and is often associated with probability.

As a result of it’s conceptual and mathematical purposes, this theory helped explain how digital information can be measured and stored on a medium, such as a magnetic disk. This resulted in the creation of the terms "bit" and "byte", which provided means on how to represent digital information. Various combinations of bits and bytes helped create meaning of the digital information to both machines and humans (i.e. binary code).

Information Propagation In Nature

Extensive academic research, such as those which support information theory, provide "neat explanations" and definitions for human made tectonic sized communication systems. But these discrete definitions may not fully explain how information is continuously created and developed within interconnected communications found among humans , plants, animals and insects.

For example, there is an interesting behavior experiment conducted by researchers which measures numerical cognition in bees. Within this experiment, a container of water is moved equidistant and equal moments over a certain length of time. The bee swarms exhibited the ability to land near trained marks of the water locations, and then land at "anticipated" locations, not yet marked, equidistant from the last mark! This behavioral investigation demonstrated that bees within this experiment exhibited the same continuum of numerical abilities shared with birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Another example is among trees. Recent emerging academic research confirmed the existence of a 500 million year subterranean social network among trees, known by some as the "wood wide network" (many ancient civilizations have known this for thousands of years). Since trees are often intertwined with one another at the root level, mycorrhiza fungi act as a complex of "fibre optic cables" for plants to stay engaged in a constant dialogue. This “information exchange” was confirmed using a tool similar to a MRI for the human brain; except the neurons firing were that found in the fungi during a monitored global effort.

In the organic situations described, it's not entirely clear how to define "information" or what an organic "bit" looks like during the communications among organic and living beings. But interestingly, it does appear that, among the bees described, they gathered swarm-level knowledge of spatial reasoning that may go beyond the concepts associated with information theory. Hence creating a universal theory of information which applies to both organic and human made communication systems may require more research and understanding.

Information as a Tool

While the definition and different forms of information may vary and differ depending on the situation and environment, the common ground between all situations is the use of information as a tool for some purpose or situation.

Humans produce, manage and interact with massive amounts of information every moment of every day. Hence, machines and other tools such AI devices (software and hardware), exabyte sized databases, super computers and the internet serve the primary purpose of processing massive amounts of information for use by humans for some purpose. This basic function has effected almost every facet of society and evolved our current society into an "Information Age".


For example, a fundamental cornerstone of most societies are concepts and ideas associated with money. It is commonly understood that basic functions of money includes (1) to store information about the medium agreed to be used during exchanges of goods/services, (2) it's use as a "unit of account" and (3) its accepted value. These three functions are central to a wide host of activities including those found in business, the stock market, personal finance and a host of others. Hence, creating a "record" of money and its value did not start with crypto-currency and is a practice that has existed for thousands of years. Without organized information about money, it would be difficult to implement common currency in any socioeconomic context.


Another aspect of civilization is the management of information during warfare and defense. This include the timed creation, storage, transmission and protection of information within various defense/offense situations. Hence a wide range of tools, devices, organizations and systems are often developed to collect, manage ,store and restrict sensitive information during situations where a threat is sensed and/or to reduce the element of "surprise". This may include mass surveillance satellites, strategically placed camera systems, specialized flying devices, high-powered land-air-earth-sea-space weapons, special warfare personnel, intelligence gathering agencies and various forms of unconventional fighting techniques and weapons. Furthermore, the method by which information across these various resources is maintained within certain situations can affect the outcomes.


A third example of the central importance of information to civilization is its use in education. This importance is exhibited within the central function of education, which is, the cognitive learning phenomenon of transmuting data, text, symbols, pictures, various experiences and other pertinent information into knowledge and wisdom. This often involves a host of information-intensive activities associated with human learning such as studying, experiencing, reading, understanding, observing, emotional development, comprehension, internalization and teaching. Hence, without organized information utilized in education, it would be difficult to adequately develop in a world that is constantly changing.


Another major aspect of the importance of information within the fabric of societies is its multifaceted use in organized religion and other related divination systems. Ancient texts, symbols and ideologies associated with religion are often inscribed, etched and written within a wide range of materials and different forms of existence. This type of sacred information is converted or transmuted to help facilitate the development of wisdom, sacred knowledge and deep insight for a wide range of purposes and situations. Examples, include the Quran, religious statues, secret fraternal organizations, the Torah, the Bible (and its many versions), the Vedas and the many sutras of Buddhism. Its also been used to mislead, such as the development what we call “cults” (i.e. cult person “ah” and his cow excrement called the “SS” stealing the swastika from Buddhism and modifying it's appearance for a rancid and ignoramus purpose)

Television and Media

One of the most prolific influences of data and information on society is the affects television and media has on the mental processes and behaviors of human beings. Television and the media are fixtures where information is invented, manipulated, engineered, stored, retrieved, deleted and disseminated across a global network. As a result, this information “machine” consistently and persistently shapes the conscious and subconscious minds of billions of people. It influences often dictate choices large masses of people make and reprogram the human mind to accept or acknowledge claims made by news groups and various forms of advertisement and propaganda. Often, human self-image is psychologically manipulated to the point a person has some weaker view of themselves when self-comparing to media images. Examples include the over-inflated importance of those made “famous” by television/digital media, the standard of what is considered “beautiful” etc.

AI and Information Technology

Other aspects of civilization which have similar important and impacts from the phenomenon we call “information” include health, labor, the various sciences, law, politics and sex. Since there is a massive need to manage information across so many areas of society, computers have evolved as tools to process information for various purposes and situations. Examples include use of computers and AI for data and word processing, wide area communication networks, computer aided learning, legal research (ediscovery), medical diagnosis and research, manufacturing, etc.

In conclusion, the definition and use of information is important to examine among organic and inorganic phenomena. This need for understanding information and its various uses did not start in the last three centuries . It has existed for millions of years. Proof of this is found not only in the trees and bees described in this article but also among other human made and natural wonders found in Africa, India, Asia and South America. Furthermore, understanding information on a universal level is still evolving and did not begin its journey with any theories. As one wise philosopher/teacher mentioned "there is nothing new under the sun".

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HARMONIC ONE – COMMENTARY | February 2022 Edition

Article Dedication: African American Inventors - Cell Phone and Voice Over IP

The ingenuity of African Americans and others in the African Diaspora in all facets of civilization has been one aspect of world history that has been hidden, under-appreciated and belittled.

The invention of the digital cell phone by African American inventor Jesse Eugene Russell is one of such hidden truths about the worldwide excellence of Black people

Before Russell invented the wireless mobile device, the mobile devices available were mainly used in cars or in other vehicles. This was mainly because mobile devices needed the power to be able to transmit signals to a cell tower. And at that point the power needed to drive a mobile phone was too much to fit into a wireless movable device.

It was Russell’s ingenuity and creation of the mobile device that made it possible for mobile phones to be handy and affordable today. His innovation made it possible for mobile devices to transmit signals between the handsets we use today, and the cell phone towers.

Just like him, an African American woman, Dr. Marian Rogers Croak, invented the VOIP system for making calls over the internet. And they are just a few in the internet and telecommunications industry

Let this article pay tribute and sing their name, and others for Black History Month


The explosive use of AI in virtually all areas of society has caused the release of racist AI applications in economics, education, healthcare, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war. These devices ,which consistently and outrageously insult Black men, women and children, expose several limits on the possibilities and practices of programming machine “agents” with “intelligence” or “human-like awareness”.

Some AI scientists claim they have created machines which can “truly think” by reverse engineering the way the human cortex processes information. But study of the human cortex may overlook limits on human capabilities and bias. This can cause the over application of AI to possibly be an existential threat if some form of standardization is not applied to ensure "objectivity" as the machine “learns” its environment. This threat has already materialized in several racist AI incidents. These insulting incidents often revealed the subjectivity of the AI application to its creator, not the objectivity needed to be fairly implemented in a public setting.

Hence, the potential for discrepancies between perceptions programmed in the machine and qualities of the perceived world generates some serious questions on whether or not AI "fairness" is even possible. A simple example of these discrepancies could be when an autonomous AI machine “views” optical illusions.

We know that optical illusions play tricks on the human eye as the brain gets clues about depth, shading, lighting and position to help interpret what you see. The picture below can possibly illustrate the dilemma of human vs machine interpretation.

If a machine was asked to identify which side of the rectangular bar in the center is the lightest (and which is darker), it's not immediately clear if the machine would recognize that the entire bar in the center actually is the same shading ,or follow the illusionary trick of shading, lighting and depth. It is also not known how to interpret the results of the machine’s “answer” if it does not agree with what the human eye observes upon the first moments of observing this picture. If the "truth" is that the center bar is one shading, then why, at some point in time during your observation, does your eyes tell you differently? This dilemma becomes more serious if an AI is forced to interpret what is "fair" along similar lines of "illusion".

Furthermore, at what point in the development of an AI device/application would it be objective enough to be deployed to the public and not have any error during its interaction with people.? It will not make sense to create “Artificial Objectivity” by saying “ … well the application is fair to 99% of people… it's now objective and fair to all …. ”, because that 1% does matter and objectivity will not be achieved.

Many researchers know that in the world of statistics, there is no such thing as getting anything at 100% (you can get asymptotically close, but never equal). Statistics helps us mathematically describe and infer about various phenomena in the universe which are not perfect. We often report our statistical “findings” with some margin of “error” and scoff / laugh at people who may say their research was 100% perfect and correct.

But the irony of that laugh is that it appears that “unified machine ethics” is requiring “One Hundred Percent”. Leaving anyone out of the “fairness box” and chalking them up as a “margin of error” is not true fairness and objectivity. ( if error is allowed, who gets to decide which people/persons are part of the “standard error box”?). Hence its not immediately clear if an AI machine can use “quantum qubit strangeness ” or imperfect statistical models, to “learn fairness” across every single person across all cultures, different levels of consciousness and races on this planet.

Racist AI incidents show that it is already difficult for humans to be consistently objective about ourselves (and others) and even more so about the things that we make. Hence if human beings struggle with developing unified definitions of “intelligence”, “consciousness” and PRACTICING objectivity on a consistent basis, it's not clear how one expects an autonomous machine to do this.

Furthermore, its not clear if non-Black AI developers know anything about the history and extraordinary contributions of Africans or those in the African Diaspora, or if they even care about it. Hence it's not clear how their “AI creations” will be 100% consistently fair to every single dark skinned person on this planet.

The discourse over the objectivity of human awareness is yet to be resolved and has shaped debates in science, philosophy and religion for centuries. Choosing a word to even fit this type of “objective awareness” is extremely difficult since most of us are consciously "blind" when compared to the ideas of this phenomenon. But a popular word, with is roots in ancient civilizations found in Africa, South America, Asia and India is “objective consciousness” .

Searching history for beings who claimed to have achieved the type of consciousness that could be used to “build 100% fairness” in a machine, leads to many names. But one of the most famous is Buddha. We learn via many ancient texts, temple gatherings, sutras and priests who speak and teach about Buddha’s “nirvana” enlightenment; but has any AI researcher concisely defined and consistently experienced (and hold on to for a long time period) Buddha’s consciousness and able to discretize that experience into an AI algorithm?

But briefly reflecting on human attempts to achieve the ideas of this "nirvana" is like a blind person being told about the features of an object through someone who claims they can see the object. The blind person “listens” as the person with "vision" describes the object’s features and even encourages the blind person to “touch” the object. Next, the blind person tells other blind people what he/she learned from the person who they claim they can see.

Passing the description of the object among blind people for several hours (let alone thousands of years, which is the age of many religions) will most often change the original story. In the meantime, the only person who probably knows the truth is the person who can actually see.

Bringing AI Back Down To Earth

Careful thought of the “blind person” analogy would show that in order for an AI application to be completely fair to all people all the time requires a level of awareness and understanding that has only been described to the human masses by the few beings who claimed to have achieved it. The saying, “experience is the best teacher” has a non-exhaustive weight in a situation where one is trying to program something many have yet to understand. This can definitely question the sanity of attempting to do so.

These intense debates of intelligence, “objective fairness” and consciousness reveal that maybe AI needs to be, as Dr. Timnit Gebru was quoted in one article, “…. be brought back down to earth”. Despite the advancement of AI applications across various industries, the hype may have exceeded the basic function of AI, which is:

Tools which provide the introduction of automation to operate with minimal human supervision, further increasing the productivity of human labor.”

While there were many tools used by humans throughout the ages, computers are basically information and data manipulation tools. Since the idea of what constitutes “information” has invaded and transformed almost every branch of science, it has been used as a tool to explore the inner workings of human beings and the universe. This is often achieved by using information theory to bridge math with electrical engineering and computer science (i.e. boolean algebra). This function has not changed much since the early days of the 1945 ENIAC (including during the industry wide transition from vacuum tubes to transistors/integrated circuits in computer hardware).

But in 2022, the instant processing and conversion of vast amounts of data and logic into autonomous movements fascinates the average human observer who then attributes the results of this “magic” as “intelligence (artificial)”. This “magic” is not much different from the G-code used to run a CNC machine or 3D-printer. This supports the quote of one researcher who mentioned the following: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. But without data (or fed the wrong data), these AI creations become heaps of expensive scrap metal, broken machines or waist of screen space; not boxes of “fairness to all” or “objective consciousness”.

This basic function of AI as a data collection/processing tool has been a central component utilized to help study the human brain. But, because humans are creative, inventive and imaginative, people have found many ways to apply this basic function to various situations across nearly every industry - including situations which may have, in certain instances, over inflated the decision power of AI machines over humans. Therefore, attempting to expect a data processing tool to be fair when it is just replicating human bias through massive data collection and processing needs further pondering.

Since AI is a tool that can assist humans with the productivity of human labor, a framework needs to be developed around how they should be regarded and treated. Some views which support thinking of AI as tools include the following:

  • AI tools are not human

There should be some consideration of changing the view of AI as follows:

FROM “ digital beings to which we hope will become human and fair to all”

TO “just a data tool to augment or support human work”.

AI machines are tools that should have their proper place in society according to each of their unique function, operation role and purpose in specific situations. They cannot function optimally without relying on attributes like intuition found in humans and animals (i.e. no “human cortex” taught a female sperm whale all the things she must do to nourish and protect her young in the vast ocean.)

  • AI Tool Industry is No Different Than Others – It has ups and downs

AI started off as a research topic in the 1950’s and, since then, has experienced “up’s and down’s” such as the “AI winters". These were periods where, due to loss of interest,many research organizations, higher learning institutions and companies either lost funding or could not find funding to continue their work. In the last 20+ years, the use of AI across many industries has exploded. But there is some debate on whether hype in the media has caused an “AI bubble” that would eventually pop like the “dotcom” industry of the early 2000s.

  • Adopt OSHA-like Laws to Regulate AI Devices and Applications

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created to basically ensure the health and safety of people in a workplace. Similarly, AI regulatory, legal and industry experts should develop, maintain and enforce international laws which assure the safety and healthy living conditions of humans working or living around AI machines. This might include training, outreach, education and assistance where needed, such as protecting whistleblowers who report rogue AI applications. As stated in part one of this article, any violations should be swiftly addressed according to various degrees of violation, including monetary fines and jail time.

  • Use Remote ID Technologies to Track AI Machines and Applications

Since AI applications and devices are being developed and applied at an explosive rate across multiple industries, there should be considerations to assign ID information and use it to track these devices. Just as cars have license plates, airplanes have ID numbers on their fuselage and people carry documents to identify themselves, it may be critically important to create laws that enforce monitoring the location, role, function and purpose of AI devices.

One technology which can possibly achieve this is a drone tracking technology called “Remote ID”. This newly proposed FAA initiated technology will track a large number of drones flown today by hobbyists and companies. This technology enhances the safety and security of flying by allowing the FAA, law enforcement, and Federal security agencies to identify drones flying in their jurisdiction. Creating a parallel tracking infrastructure for AI devices could enhance safety and streamline searching, tracking and reporting AI violators of the law.


While there are many ways to fight racist AI applications, these incidents provide opportunities to learn and review the limitations of AI and reconsider expectations of their “decision” abilities. These machines can apply cognition and reasoning, as we know it, not as we can necessarily and universally prove. This includes applications associated with reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and the ability to move and manipulate objects. Thus, more importantly, they lack abstract phenomena that enable humans to discover things in themselves that have yet to be discovered.

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January 2022 Edition

Article Dedication: U.S Special Warfare Operator, David Goggins

“ … Don’t be the person who wants to turn the water on full blast and fill the glass quickly. While that may get you a full glass of water faster, you failed to gain the mental endurance in that process and therein lies the major tool in accomplishing all of you goals … “

David Goggins 12/25/2021

see the whole statement here on Goggins instagram:


Publically unleashing AI programs which disrespectfully and publically miscategorize black men, women and children is a reflection of the pugnant racist stench that already exist in all areas of society. Hence its not surprising these abhorrent miscategorizations , as documented by leading researchers, has increasing error rates with darker skin people. These dignerating mishaps also appear to mirror the robbery and miscategorizations of ancient and advanced African civilizations which predated some of the world’s oldest religions.

The recent AI incidents are disgusting, off the chart disrepectful and extremely dangerous; This include examples such as the dumb miscategorization of pictures of Oprah Winfrey and First Lady Michelle Obama as “men” (“76% probable man”) ; or the misuse of facial recognition system that falsely imprisoned a black man while a different black man on the other side of the earth was miscategorized as “un-employable” and a person at the same company stating there is “nothing they can do about ” his employment miscategorization ……. all happening at name brand companies.

Since most programmers and AI developers are not black , its not clear if there is a disposition of respect for those in the African Diaspora as these applications are being developed. The “anti-diversity” manifesto discovered circulating one large tech company does not make it clear if respect for Black people does exist (officially AND unofficially). Additionally, it's not clear how many ignorant people like the author of that manifesto toilet vomit secretly work at the same tech company it was discovered.

This problem and concern for accountability is not new and several researchers, companies and institutions have been “discussing such measures.” For example, recently, the U.S. Government Accountability Office has developed the federal government’s first framework to help assure accountability and responsible use of AI systems.It defines the basic conditions for accountability throughout the entire AI life cycle — from design and development to deployment and monitoring — and lays out specific questions for leaders and organizations to ask, and the audit procedures to use, when assessing AI systems.

Additionally, according to the Harvard Review, steps are outlined on how an AI organization can build accountability into AI. This view is characterized by understanding the AI life cycle, including community stakeholders, implementing dimensions of AI accountability and “thinking like an auditor” at all times.

Another valuable effort is the Datasheets for Datasets paper proposed by Dr. Timnit Gebru ( founder of DAIR https://www.dair-institute.) and other researchers. As noted in that paper, Datasheets for datasets will facilitate better communication between dataset creators and users,and encourage the machine learning community to prioritize transparency and accountability.

Algorithms of Reconstruction

These atrocities strongly dictate the need for a systematic effort that would reconstruct what is acceptable in publically framed AI applications and to follow up compliance failures with tough monetary and criminal penalties. Such measures can add an extra incentive for AI organizations to audit their products prior to release.

Just as the health industry started with literally no universal standards in the handling of patient health information (and now has standards), the time has come for practicing accountability standards and punitive measures in Artificial Intelligence.

A punitive framework for AI accountability violations should include a tiered structure that is applied to various degrees of violations. For each instance of a violation, this should include consideration of prison time for repeat violators and for those who willfully engage in such violations. This would include violations resulting in civil and criminal penalties attributed to ignorance, reasonable vigilance, willful neglect not corrected in a certain amount of time , and violations occurring under false pretenses and/or committed for personal gain.

Other punitive measures for AI accountability violations could also include:

  • AI Violation Public Notification Rule

Similar to PHI breaches in Healthcare, organizations which commit AI accountability violations that affect a large number of individuals should be required to notify individuals directly affected and report to major news outlets (local, state, national and international).

  • Required Consultation and Access to Audit Logs

Allow assigned AI professionals and audit agencies access to audit logs, procedures and practices and other auxiliary information such as Datasheets which describe the datasets involved in the AI violation. This will help advise the violator on how to prevent the incident from happening in the future and determine the level of punishment in a court of law.

  • Required Diversity Training for each instance of an incident

The training should be led by an outside agency or representative pre approved by AI regulatory and law agencies. This would include instructing AI violators on the importance of diversity in AI and why avoiding bias in the roots of these systems is required.

  • Donating Percentage of Penalty Monetary Proceeds to Nonprofits/Schools:

Implement funding activities, such as donating portions of Civil Penalty Monetary Proceeds to Nonprofits, research institutions and k-12 schools that have programs dedicated to diversity and eradicating bias from AI. The percentage breakdown of donation and its implementation should be determined by local community groups and regulatory agencies.

  • Public Reward Money

In addition to providing an incentive for compliance, posting a reward announcement is a good way to encourage members of the public to bring verifiable AI violations to appropriate stakeholders and into public view. Regulatory agencies could construct the reward wording in conjunction with industry professionals, law enforcement or/and legal counsel.

Implementing such measures would require concerted cooperation between government, legal and business industries similar in fashion to efforts with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) … both enforced with incentives and stiff penalties.

Enacting measures which encourage compliance will ensure AI organizations and their business associates are actively and systematically implementing safeguards. This can help to keep the AI algorithms they release to the public safe, ethical and appropriate for all members of society.

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