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Reading Nature to Harness Technology for Social Economically Disadvantaged Communities


Article Dedication: This article is dedicated to the memory of Jelani Day (2021) and Emmett Louis Till (1955). We stand with Jelani's mother, Carmen Day, his fraternity (Omega Psi Phi) and celebrities, demanding answers


There is a strange concept in nature called entelechy. An entelechy is something complex that emerges when you put a large number of simple objects together. One example is a brain neuron. By itself, its a boring (but important!) piece. But looking at a super large mass of billions of neurons, yields a brain, something that is different from a neuron.

As stated in last month's newsletter, it's the power of systems thinking which allows one to view new things which develop into something that is greater than the whole of its parts. Mother nature has practiced this principle for billions of years. Often, many of our modern AI principles draw inspiration from her. For example, there are principles, tools and algorithms (too many to name here) within the AI space of deep learning which harnesses this principle to create classification systems which make decisions on the fly.

Another principle found in nature is "self-organization". Once an entelechy is formed, it begins to take on properties not seen at the level of the "simple part". For example ,when a person gets a minor cut on the skin, the skin will "self-organize" into nature's version of a "bandaid" (scab). Or when a woman gets pregnant, how the egg and sperm combine in her womb and self organize itself into a beautiful living being. This is a living testament that the balance union of a man and woman culminated into the first breath we all took - through a woman.

There are other lessons from nature, but many know that scientists (including those in data science, medical science, genetics etc) have tried to "copy" nature's beautiful and effortless genius to develop mind blowing creations. And in doing so developed new creations - some good, others terrible.

Hence, we must maintain awareness of how mother nature can influence the design of new applications or algorithms which can solve problems in our communities. Thinking outside the box while developing AI applications inspired by mother nature could definitely help make a difference in historically disadvantaged communities. We must be prepared to design, develop, test, implement, and demonstrate how AI can be used to tackle the most difficult societal problems.

Harmonic One Communities seek to use machine learning and related tools in data analytics to make positive impacts on communities which for decades have faced challenges with making progress in almost every facet of society.

Feel free to explore Harmonic One Communities website to learn more about projects under development.

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